The company, owned by Tosyalı businessman Kenan Danacı, aims to increase its production capacity by establishing an integrated facility in Kastamonu. Danacılar Tekstil, which continues its production on denim fabric, has been in the sector for 17 years with its designs and modeling.
Kenan Danacı, the manager of Danacılar Tekstil, who noted that they have undertaken the production of some brands while continuing their export-oriented work, said the following about their activities: "In our head office in Sultangazi, we operate on design modeling and order follow-up with our staff of 50 people. Cutting, sewing, washing and packaging processes are carried out in our Integrated facility in Kastamonu Tosya. In this context, we have more than 10 business partners that we work with. At the last stage, after the control and packaging processes are carried out in our company, we deliver to our customers. In addition to manufacturing for certain brands, we also export to Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, the UK and Sweden."
Noting that their goal is to go further in the sector, Tosyalı businessman Kenan Danacı said, "We have no plans to invest in another sector. We want to go further in our own sector. We produce close to 5 thousand products a day. In the future, we plan to establish an integrated facility in Kastamonu and increase both our production and the number of employment."
Danacı stated that government incentives for the textile sector should increase and said, "The personnel in the textile sector had to turn to work in the service sector due to the economic instability of some enterprises. In order to change the perception about textile, the state needs to provide support in both insurance and operating expenses. In this context, incentive programs should be prepared. We are hopeful about the sector in the long term."